Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rlieve Stress - Relaxation Techniques

When you are feeling stress, you can apply some of the relaxation techniques described in this article:

  1. Listen to soft or instrumental music. Soft or instrumental music sometime can help you to reduce the pressure or stress you are facing every day. It comfort your mind and eliminates your pressures and unhappiness of your life.. It is really a good way to relieve stress.
  2. Do exercises - exercises are good way to stress relieve. You should do it in a regular basis. 
  3. Take deep breathe and also performing some relaxation exercises - Some relaxation exercises does help to reduce the stress you are facing, e.g. you can ask your partner to do some simple massage on your shoulders, back and waist. These areas are the parts always feel uncomfortable when you are stressed. You will be amazed how little thing can help you change this
  4. Get in a habit of smiling. Smile does have lots of effect of healing amazingly. So smile is a great way of relieve stress
  5. Be thankful - instead of complaining every thing bad that are happening around you, you should be thankful each thing you receive e..g your mum love, you can walk, breath, eat, work etc. There are too many people take these little things for granted in their life but forgot there are many people that do face a lot of "tragedies" in their lives, especially the third world. 
  6. Work on your body posture - try to push your chest bone back so that you rest on your shoulders.

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